#8 ゲスト:伊藤 みちよ
The Guest of January 2021: Ms. Michiyo Ito

今月のゲスト:伊藤 みちよ
ジャンル:洋裁 Dress Making Clothing Designer
2015/1 公開 映画『繕い裁つ人』洋裁指導
The Guest of January 2021: Ms. Michiyo Ito
Genre: Dress Making Clothing Designer
Profile: Since Ms. Ito was child, she started to use the sewing needle to make the clothes for her doll.
When she entered into the elementary school, she used the old style foot-operated sewing machine while standing. (Her foot did not reach the sewing machine pedal!)
Her Favorite Things: Sewing / Diving / Cooking / Sea / Dolphin / Mermaid / Shell / Blue / Green / Coffee / Beans
Ms. Michiyo Ito is a Teacher/Lecturer at Vogue Gakuen (handmade) school (Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya)
Appearance on the TV show “Suteki ni Handmade” (2018/5、2016/5、2015/4、2014/5、2013/7、2014/12 re-air)
Dress making instruction for the movie “Nui Tatsu Hito” (A Stitch of Life) in Jan. 2015

『増補改訂版MayMeスタイル 縫いながら覚えられるホームソーイングの基礎BOOK』
May Me伊藤みちよさんが提案するワンピースは、縦のラインを強調した切り替えのすっきりしたシルエットが魅力。生地の使い方を変えた2通りの提案をしています。
The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : 柴田 かおる (Kaoru K. Shibata)
Q. Ms. Ito, what made you interested in dressmaking?
Well, it might have been the clothes I made for the Japanese RIKA doll (like a US Barbie doll) when I was in kindergarten. I cut the handkerchief to make the arm hole… And, I really wanted to make her clothes, which were not available in the stores. I looked at my clothes and made doll clothes by imitating my own.
-Did you do the creative work by yourself rather than being taught by your mother or grandmother?
I believe that I liked to do it! My grandfather had very dexterous good hands and he taught me how to use the sewing needle when I went to kindergarten.
-Ah… So that’s it! Have you been studying because you have been interested in dressmaking ever since?
Yes, I just loved handicrafts in general, so when my mother brought out the knitting tools she used to do in distance learning – – she did it herself… My mother had been learning knitting via correspondence learning at that time, so I picked up the tools and tried to make things by myself.
When my mother looked at it, she gave me the opportunity to go to craft lessons in elementary school and the young teacher taught me the basic skills.
-After learning the basic skills, did you then go to school to study clothing design?
No. Not at all. When I was in elementary school, I joined the handicraft club. And that’s about it!
I was surrounded by knitting and sewing materials… Actually, my parents said to me that they bought the sewing machine when I said “I want the sewing machine when I become an adult!” I always had handmade items. Also, I used to go to the neighbor’s house, and there, she did professional sewing work. She taught me how to sew with professional skills from time to time.
Q. When we looked at your book, there are many chic and cute clothes for adults. Did you get the basic design skills when you were taught by those professionals at that time?
Yes, I drew the designs for the clothes that I want to wear and matched designs to other clothes. When I looked at commercially available clothing, I found that the sleeves were too short. So, I needed to make clothes which I would like to wear…
Now, it does not satisfy for my clothing only, I expanded the design images for my friends and my book editors… and expanded the design concept which I would like them to wear!
-What I like most about your design is that your concept seems simple, but is actually very fashionably chic!
I am so happy to hear that. It surprised me a lot.
It’s simple and can be worn for a long time, but it’s a little cute with a little trendy flavor, so I am aiming for this concept. I am so very happy you accept and enjoy my designs!
As you know, you have your own standard shape in your clothing. In case of the commercial clothes, they can be gone and not available until next year. But if it is handmade, we can create it anytime. That is a really wonderful thing to me.
Q.What is the main point when you are teaching your designs? For example, from shape, color or fabric material?
Well, it is totally different from the book or my own works. The case of books and the case of my own works are quite the opposite. When I consider the design for the book, it should be the design (shape) first and then, we select the fabrics. Because we need to think of the balance of the contents in the book, they want to introduce various fabrics to the readers. For my own works to sell, I consider the design when I touch the fabric sample.
But, when I actually purchased and got the material,
I decided it may be better for another design. Therefore, I touch the fabrics first and then come to the design.
-Oh, I understand! You can change your idea when you actually touch the fabrics and you get the inspiration to make adjustments or changes in your design choice.
Yes, there are thickness and elasticity tensions of the fabrics, which is not possible to sense (determined by touch) with the small fabric samples. With actual large pieces of fabrics, I may think it may be perfect with an unexpected design. I check the fabrics first and decide the design in my case.
-Well, I get the impression that it is not so easy to select the fabrics.
Sometimes I have bought fabrics, but I thought that it was a little too different from the clothes I wore at that time…so; I left those fabrics for later – – for some years, since those fabrics will not suit the design of the times.
-Oh I see…It means that it is okay to put aside certain fabrics because it may have a color or a design that may not be popular in fashion at the time. For example, your selected colored fabrics would not be fashionably influenced by the current mode/fashion?
I normally do not use patterned fabrics. I select by my favorite taste not by mode or fashion.
Those are almost always plain fabrics. But, there is exception. This spring, I published a book with the collaboration of Liberty printed fabrics. It was the first time to design with the patterned printed fabrics for the entire book. I was told that I could choose whatever I like, so I can wear it with a plain feel. I selected the printed colors which look like a plain color (almost no pattern). I believe that some people prefer no pattern, as well
as me. So, I selected the fabrics that come from the perspective of being able to take on the challenge of patterned items to wear! I am satisfied with the designs, which may be a pattern challenge for some people. This spring, the book was published that asks you to challenge yourself with patterned items!
-This must have been a very big challenge for you as a teacher!?
Well, it was a great challenge for me! (Laughs)
I hadn’t thought about another whole book about printed fabrics. I, myself, had the opportunity to challenge what I thought was the farthest from my designs. So I did my best and I was allowed to do it! Then, surprisingly, it seems that the Liberty lovers so far liked it, and those who didn’t also made new discoveries too…so, I think that was good! Their reaction was really good and they explored their new findings with printed fabrics and it was really good to know.
Q.In addition, to your classrooms, teaching skills in your lessons, and publishing books – – You also appeared on TV shows in conjunction with magazines. How do you select your clothing designs for the shows?
When it comes to magazines for example, they request that I present concepts such as pants for autumn and winter and skirts for spring and summer. The most important thing is the target audience. Who are the readers for that magazine? What is the age group? I imagine the reader and sewer first and then I adjust and arrange the design, because the shape of a women’s body will be changed by age. Therefore, I put some space on the pattern and also the fabric materials. From the drawers of my brain, I choose the fabrics and colors based on the target audience.
Q. After listening to your beautiful stories, I understand that your current work is based on the professional skills that you have learned from the people you met- – from the sewing professionals you encountered.
Normally when you learn something, you’ve got the skills naturally. Above all, I did not go to the sewing school and my dream was to be a teacher of kindergarten or homemaking teacher, or to be a designer. When I had to choose the course, I selected to be the teacher of kindergarten. But, my best friend went to the dressmaking sewing school at that time and she was not good at sewing, but she loved to design. I was so good at sewing but not good at drawing. Therefore, we collaborated with each other and did homework together by exchanging our talents (smile). She did the drawing of the picture book and picture story show for me and I would sew the clothes for her. We read textbooks together. That is why I was able to read her books to make it. That is also why; I wore my own created clothes at the graduation ceremony even at the school for the kindergarten teacher. (laughing).
Q. Please tell us if you have any additional information that you would like to convey to our audience/readers.
In May, my book “Liberty Print, My Dressing Style” was published and a new publication called “Simple Wardrobe” was issued by Japan Nihon Vogue in October. After that, I think that the recruitment of April 2021 (classroom) for Vogue Gakuen (craft school) will start around February of the New Year. Also in February, I will do a work shop at YKK in Akihabara. Those classes and work shops will accept students early next year. I also plan to have a solo exhibition at Ashiya in March!
-What types of creations will be presented in your solo exhibition?
It is an exhibition of new clothes that came out in October (as listed in the book), and the sale of the new collections and original collections.
We had a workshop every year, but now we have a little meeting from now on. Since the number of virus cases increased, it is still undecided whether to hold a workshop, but there will be an exhibition and sales event for about two weeks!
-We can buy the cloths, too?
Yes. Well, I originally made and sold clothes. The publishing company was interested in my work and put it in their magazine and then, the classes (lessons) started. I feel that I am still continuing that (sale!).
-Are there any things that you would like to challenge yourself to do, such as design?
Well, I did the big challenge with the Liberty printed fabrics, so I would like to take a little break for now. Back to the basics, I would like to take on the design challenge of making clothes that everyone wants to make. After completing one work, then, they would like to try again and again. I would like to make a book to give the people the joy of creation and also provide a sense of accomplishment after completing. I wish I could make a book that feels like something even more delicious when I made it!
Q.What clothing would you recommend making first if you were a beginner?
Well, it would be easy to make a skirt. When you say a dress, it would be better to make a skirt and blouse and put those together, then, those look like a dress.
Then, if you try to make one with a pocket, do not worry. Of course, it would be good to put it. But, you can put one pocket only. Because, if you think that it was too difficult and then you don’t want to do it again, it is not good. I believe that you can just eliminate it. It is ok to omit what can be omitted! After that, if you look at a design and want to make it, or if you want to wear it, you can do it – – even if it is difficult! If you have the passion, you can make it even if it is a bit difficult. Even beginners are doing their best to make things with collars. Therefore, it is best to have the passion of “I want to make it!”
-I agree! After that, if you do each piece properly, (with details and with care) then the finished product will be beautifully completed – – even if it takes time!
Yes, I agree. If you do your best step by step, it will take shape…If you follow the process, you will have the great work!-
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