#14ゲスト:道正 千晶

Guest of July 2021:Ms. Chiaki Dosho

今月のゲスト:道正 千晶 (Chiaki Dosho)




Guest of July : Ms. Chiaki Dosho

Technique: Produce with several original methods such as Machine Sewing/ Hand Stitching, Discharging, SUMI Dyeing, SUMI Painting, Direct Appliqué, and more.

Profile: Every human being experiences “Life and Death.” I think that life is wonderful. We remember many wonderful experiences and memories. Profile: Every human being experiences “Life and Death.” I think that life is wonderful. We remember many wonderful experiences and memories.
Now, I have more and more faced the deaths of many loved ones–my intimate and important people. It is painful and sad. Through overcoming such sad experiences, I feel the wonder of living more strongly by the magnificence to live. Currently, this is the theme of my production and creation. The material I use is old Japanese Kimono and Obi (tie). Now, I have more and more faced the deaths of many loved ones–my intimate and important people. It is painful and sad. Through overcoming such sad experiences, I feel the wonder of living more strongly by the magnificence to live. Currently, this is the theme of my production and creation. The material I use is old Japanese Kimono and Obi (tie).
When unwinding (unweaving the thread), I feel the hearts of the craftsmen who made those Kimonos and Obi, and the lives of those who wore them. The Kimono and Obi carry their hearts and life to me! Their life and the life they lived overlaps within the material. When unwinding (unweaving the thread), I feel the hearts of the craftsmen who made those Kimonos and Obi, and the lives of those who wore them. The Kimono and Obi carry their hearts and life to me! Their life and the life they lived overlaps within the material.

Materials: We use many materials, such as, old Japanese Kimono, Obi (tie), silk, wool, cotton, synthetic fibers, modern cloth and used clothing. Materials: We use many materials, such as, old Japanese Kimono, Obi (tie), silk, wool, cotton, synthetic fibers, modern cloth and used clothing.
Exhibition: Quilt National, Layered Voices, H2oh, Seasonal Palette, Art Quilt Elements Quilt=Art=Quilt, Pacific Ocean Quilt Festival, 3D Expression, Wild Fabrication, Seasonal Palette, (US), Artexture (France), Quilt Japan, International Quilt Festival (Japan) , Como (Italy),and more!

Exhibition: Quilt National, Layered Voices, H2oh, Seasonal Palette, Art Quilt Elements, Quilt=Art=Quilt, Pacific Ocean Quilt Festival, 3D Expression, Wild Fabrication, Artexture (France), Quilt Japan, International Quilt Festival (Japan) , Como (Italy),and more!




The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : 吉村朋子(Tomoko Yoshimura)


The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : Ms. Carmella Constancio




いや、幸運だったっていうのもあると思うんですけど、割とのめり込むタイプなんですね。それで、キルトを始めた時に通っていたパッチワークスクールが原宿にあったんですが、皆さん近場で何年か習ってからここに改めて習いに来るっていう方が多かったんですね。私は何にも知らないで入った人なので、用語1つから何もわからないんですよ。でも辞書とか何もないし、どうしよう…と思ったときに、しょうがないからその時はキルトジャパンとかパッチワーク通信とか、そういうパッチワークの本が何冊も出てたんですね。それらを全て一字一句、最初から最後まで読み漁りました (笑)






























今海外で6点くらい巡回してるんですね。海外の場合って、ほぼ100%って言っていいくらいエントリーなんですよ。だからすごく有名な作家さんでも、エントリーをして通らなければ出品することができない。有名だろうが素人だろうが、その作品が良ければ通る、っていう非常にフェアな感じなので、私はすごく好きなんですね。で、それに入るとまず展覧会がスタートしますよね。その後大体2年間巡回なんですよ。いろんなとこに持って行ってくれるんですね。それが去年の暮れくらいからやっと動き始めてるんですね、海外は。だからちょっと延期延期ってなってたものが、直近で始まりますとか始まりました!とか、そういうものも増えてますし、公募展に関しては全然普通にいつもと同じように募集があるし、みなさんエントリーしてるし…。で今月(6月時点)もアメリカのQUILT Nationalっていうのがあるんですが、世界のコンテンポラリーキルトコンテストの中でもトップと言われているくらい難しいコンテストなんですけど、それに今年も入ってまして。それで5月に展覧会初日が始まりました。予約制なんですけど、アーティストの方も多くオープニングレセプションに集まったそうです。国内からだとワクチンを受けた方もいらっしゃるので、結構移動も楽になってきているみたいで…。



Q. Your works have been exhibited at various galleries and exhibitions around the world, but what made you enter the world of creative activities like this?

I have two children, but when my youngest daughter entered kindergarten – – I wanted to start learning because it was good for cultural development. The timing was just right for quilting classes. Then, I started to learn how to quilt.

From that point on, not only was it your hobby, but also you started teaching giving lessons. How did that happen?

I think I was lucky, but I’m the type who was quite absorbed into it! So, there was a classroom in Harajuku that I used to go to when I started quilting, but many people (with quilt experience) came to this classroom again after learning for a few years nearby. Few people entered without knowing anything at all. As a beginner, I entered without knowing anything about it, so I couldn’t understand anything from the quilting words used. There was no dictionary or anything, so when I thought about what to do – – I couldn’t help it – – At that time; there were many patchwork magazines such as “Patchwork Tsushin and Quilt Japan.” So…I read them all word for word – – from start to finish! (Laughing!)

Is that so! You entered the creative world from there?

That’s right. It fits in with what I like and that was very good to me. It happened that the school I attended was a very free spirit school. The atmosphere of that class was full of freedom. It was not like a school to learn how to quilt by one teacher. Not one teacher teaching all the students, but there were many teachers, depending on the class. The next lesson was taught by another teacher. So, I could talk to various teachers, and from that point, I could do anything freely, it was like a fish that got water! They gave me a kind of freedom to do whatever you wanted. I was in my element in that class. Maybe, two years passed when…. I said to the head master that I wanted to make “this.” (Antique Quilt) Then he said, “If you want to make this, why don’t you dye it all from white cloth?” Dye the fabric from the beginning. It was an antique quilt, but I started to produce exactly the same colors. At that time, I didn’t know anything about dyes. My teacher told me about a Tanaka Nao dye shop, and I went there and said, “I don’t know anything!” (Laughs!) That was quite challenging to make the colors by dying – – because, I had no idea and knowledge of dye materials at that time. I’m the type who enjoys things that I don’t know or have never done. That’s why it was fun! I am the kind of person who enjoys a new adventure and challenge, which I have never done before. During that making process, I enjoyed and felt happiness in that process. I made it before I realize it. At that time, most of the people who were learning how to make a quilt had a dream to have a patchwork shop. For me…I wanted to work in such a creative world in the future. Then, the teacher asked me to work there as a teacher. Three years had passed already, from the date I started to learn.

– Three (3) years? To become teacher?! !

That’s right! It’s ridiculous (Laughing). I assume that teacher recognized my keenness, my enthusiasm? Or, I was originally doing fashion and was accustomed to fabric? And also my working history in that mode…I don’t know? But, they appreciated that. As you know, there are many senior people learning how to make the quilt. Therefore, I started to work as a teacher among that situation.

– Wow…It’s amazing. Your “style” is quite unique compared to other general quilt works, so we are very interested in this opportunity to see how it came to be! I’ve asked about the flow so far and we are interested in when or what brought you to such an artistic area. We understand that it may be how you were lead by the people you met.

I would say…I wouldn’t have continued this work, if the class was like a general school, whereby, there is only one teacher and she / he teaches all the people (learners) and if it was a so-called pyramid-type arranged seniority system. I was so happy and enjoy the classes because their system is full of freedom and I was able to improve and use my creative talents at the most in that atmosphere. I think that it suits me very well. But, of course, at first I was making a normal quilt. However, it was the third year that I decided to design and make an original by myself. That’s why I started teaching and making my own creative quit at about the same time. I think I’ve been blessed with people who helped me grow. Now, I am very grateful for all my teachers. Because they found my creative talent and raised it up.

Q. We believe that your design idea is really outstanding. How or where did you get that imagination from?

Maybe it’s a daily accumulation…I think? I believe that it would be in daily life. Recently, I especially think that I have lots of curiosity and I want to do lots of things. It accumulates in me and pops out of it, so I don’t feel that this is the case with conventional methods. Those things are piled up in my mind and it will come up so suddenly. Therefore, it is not from the scope in the ordinary sense. It would be a more unexpected (extreme) thing from the view point of the other people. I think deeply how to make it (thoughts & worries), but I do not wonder “IF” I can make it. That‘s why I enjoy living!

You mentioned that the things you like are piled up (accumulated) in your mind… What are the things you like, for example?

Of course, I sometimes see pictures and modern contemporary art, but when I was in high school, I was in the photography club. That’s why I really like photography, and of course I like fabric! So, when I talk to people from completely different genres, it’s very interesting because the industry is different!

Well, then, if you have a desire to know another person’s work, you will actively approach that?

That’s right! (Laughs) I am very straight forward to go my way. I am not scared or awkward to go for the things I am really interested in.

Q. I think that each work has its own feelings, but could you tell us the most special work you have ever done and the meaning and message contained in it?

In 2011, there was a great earthquake disaster in Tohoku (Northeast Japan). At that time, I was working on the fabric art with Red, Black and White. As you know, I always make what I like and what I am really interested in. But, during this making process, there were some earthquake aftershocks frequently – – and I feared – – and I was scared and so nervous since the dead line for the entry was approaching! So, once I started making, I forgot my fear. I was aware that I did not feel any fear, since I got fully immersed in making my work. Then, I recognized – – that is the spirit of real “CREATE”. So you found the feeling of real “CREATE” by devoting yourself to making – – of being really absorbed in it! Yes, it was the first time for me to recognize, and sense that I got into the world of my work.

If you are in such a special environment, it may be an opportunity to discover such a side of yourself that you did not know before? I really recognized that the creative work is the most important thing for me. My perception of creation has changed a lot.

Q. Have you ever had a difficult time when making (creating) a work and needed to work a lot?

After all, that is- – my body does not match my mind – my passion. Because I want to and I can work forever without noticing time. However, the body is steadily aging year by year. But my passion to create is undying. Therefore, sometimes I lose the balance between my body and mind. Suddenly, I noticed that my body was really tired. But, I want to do more because I want to make more and more things! The imbalance in that place is quite painful.

But, it seems that you have a very clear picture of what you would like to do. There are so many things I want to do, that I can’t afford to think about my body. I envy you a lot in this sense.

Well, I do not recommend my way so much. I get a kind of sports massage once a week. My massage therapist also works as a sports trainer for the athletes. He said that the way of thinking (to use the body) is same as the one for athletes. I can explain like this. In the normal way, when you feel pain, you need to rest. For the athlete, when you feel some pain, athletes think about how to get rid of pain. Therefore, in my case, when I feel some pain during the hand sewing, then, I switch to the machine sewing. The sewing machine also worked too hard and broke, so I tried to do something different! That happens! That is why, I use my passion and my mind to apply myself to something – – it’s like being extreme. (Smile)

Q. Do you have any big dreams and challenges, which you would like to do in the future?

Well, I really want to make the “real thing” before I die. It seems cheeky, but I have never been satisfied when my work was completed – – Since I always find some points clearly, that I could improve and could be better. But, that’s why I want to make the next one again, try changing it a little, or something different. Because – – I want to incorporate things. Maybe if I’m happy, I don’t think I’ll make the next one. I want to make the last thing I thought and die! So well, it’s quite difficult. That is why I immediately start to create to complete one, which I can be satisfied with. If I am satisfied with my work, I may not want to create another. But, there is dilemma. I would like to die after completing my work with my full satisfaction. Well, you can say, “That is quite difficult.” Maybe it would be best – – I die and say, “Oh, I was able to do it properly.” (Laughs)

-Immediately after it was completed. (Smiles) However, it may be that everyone who is engaged in such creative activities is the same regardless of genre.

Yes, I agree with you! I think there is such a thing regardless of the genre!

Q. Please let us know if you have any events or activities in the near future – or – if you have a special wish, for the near future.

Well, 80% of my recent activity is outside of Japan. Last year, everything was frozen. It took 2 months to send my works to the US due to Covid 19 and other problems. Therefore, it is very difficult to transfer my works now. At this time, six (6) items of my works are moving around the world. In case of overseas, if we want to exhibit our works – – it is almost 100% entry system. Therefore, even if you are a very famous quilter/artist, you need to pass through the entry system. It is quite a practical system. If your work is good and qualified, it would be displayed. Whether it’s a name or not, famous or amateur, it’s a very fair feeling that if the work is good, it will pass, so I really like that! If my works passed the entry, then the exhibition will start and it will be moving around for almost two years. This type of exhibition started at the end of last year. Exhibitions of works by the general public have already started and many people have applied…. So this month, (as of June) there is also QUILT National in the United States, but it is said to be the top of the three major quilt contests among those who are doing contemporary quilts in the world. It’s a big contest and my work passed and is exhibited there! The first day of the exhibition started in May. It’s a reservation system, but it seems that about 60% of the artists gathered. Some people have been vaccinated from Japan, so it seems that it’s getting easier to move around. That’s why I’m still very fond of such fair systems overseas…So, I’d like to take on the challenge. Recently, I’m starting to work not only in quilts, but also in fiber art. So, I’m also active in that area. I want to go!

-Your activity will be diversified gradually…that is good!

Well, that’s why I also combine it with photos! I would like to combine various painting materials there and create a new world! The combination with various artist materials would open the “new world category!” It would be great if I can do something for this new category! Group Exhibition: Studio Art Quilt Association, Mixed Media Art Association, Textile Study Group in New York, Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Fukumitsu Museum, Sakata Museum, Niimi Museum,. Vessaring Museum… Holland, UK, Ukraine, Taiwan, China, and more.


We will continue to deliver compelling interviews with the leading creative artists and influencers in various fields such as art, fashion, cooking, etc…
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