#3 :猪俣 友紀
The Guest of August 2020: Ms. Yuki Inomata

ゲスト :猪俣 友紀
ジャンル: 手芸作家 ( Handmade Desiner)
The Guest of August 2020: Ms. Yuki Inomata
Genre: Handmade Handcraft Designer
Yuki Inomata’s blog presents her unique handmade products that have gained in popularity and sophistication. She has earned a lot of support and has been covered by handcraft magazines, books and TV programs! Yuki is now a breakout Instagram star as a popular designer in the category of handmade products. She is also very active as a teacher and lecturer at Vogue Gakuen (School) in Tokyo and Yokohama.
Her book is entitled: Quality Fabric Bag. Whereby, her bags can be enjoyed with every design style
Instagram:neige__y https://www.instagram.com/neige__y/
インスタグラムではとてもセンスの良く作品を載せておられます。ご自分でも棚を作ったりされてお部屋のインテリアにも手を入れるなど幅広く活躍されています。最近ではTV番組で簡単に作れるエコバッグを紹介しておられました。 色の組み合わせなどの知識も豊富な方です。
Handmade Handcraft Designer:
Through her blogs, Ms. Inomata has been proposing various types of handmade products (from simple sewing as a beginner to the full-fledged professional level).
Yuki Inomata’sblog became so popular that her followers increased to more than 50,000 people. On Instagram, she presents her chic products with a great sense of style. Yuki has also customized her shelves (by herself) and has put a lot of effort into the interior decoration of her displayed designs. Recently she introduced her tips – – How to make your very own “Eco-Bag” easily! Yuki also has a wealth of knowledge and is licensed in “color combinations”.

The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : 柴田 かおる (Kaoru K. Shibata)
Q: What inspired you to become interested in creating handcrafts/handmade designs?
Well, in order to answer this question, I have to think a lot about it. When I really go back to my starting point, my mother was making something with the sewing machine when I was child. I loved to see her work and was also interested in the movement of that sewing machine. I think it was probably at that moment where my first impression and interest developed, while watching this moving tool as my mother was using the sewing machine all the time! My first work was a wiping cloth by utilizing the sewing machine.
I made it for someone. Actually, I gave it to my school teacher. To give my handmade products to someone was my first motivation to go into the handmade world.
Q: May people are following your blog since you are always presenting various bags, face masks, and clothes on your site. How do you determine and select the unique designs of your products and creations?
When I think of the design of a bag, I am thinking about the situation and the bags’ use. For example, the main point is easiness in making it, when the use is for a book or magazine. When it is for someone else or is to be sold, then I am thinking of choosing the right fabric, the easiness to use along with the coordination & design of seasonal clothing. Especially when I choose the type of fabric to be used, it is very important. But, normally, I pick out my favorite one!
Q: You are also thinking about the combination between the design and fabric materials. Which point is more important in choosing?
As for the material of a bag, it needs to be very durable, since we use it regularly/daily. I want the bag to be used for a very long time…
It would be the material first. Then, I come up with a design specifically to combine with the chosen fabric material, such as a Tote Bag or a Backpack. I decide the design with that kind of feeling.
Q When you see the material, then you instantly imagine the design of bag in your mind?
Yes, but you often see the fabric pattern first rather than the material. After all, I want to make a bag that is durable, so I want to use a thick fabric.
When I look at the thickness of a fabric and pattern, then I come up with the design. I will also think about choosing a thin fabric for the inside.
In some cases if I really like the fabric pattern, but it is not durable enough, then I add some additional different, but more durable material fabrics to give that bag the same strength.
Then, my design would be completed.
Q: It’s interesting. For example, trying to add different materials such as leather….
Yes, by utilizing leather, it would be a very matte finish surface on the bag.
I would like to create a custom special bag, which is not available anywhere. I am conscious of giving the consumer a special feeling of something different. Therefore, I experiment with different fabrics to fill in the gap. For example, I would rather add wool fabric for the summer bag.
It’s a bit difficult to put into words… because I follow my inspiration.
When I see the fabrics, I am inspired. I can imagine in my mind the picture of my own bag. I try to put my personal taste in the design, but it is naturally done.
Q: As the Teacher, you have the qualifications of the “color coordinator”. Would you give us some advice when you want to play a little with the colors in making a bag or another project?
Oh… give you some advice? (smiling)
I had been the instructor / advisor at a handcrafts shop for 9 years.
As you know, there are so many fabrics in the shop. I had to choose one color for the customer’s bag. I was always proposing to take an adventure with different fabrics, seeing the different age groups of the customers and the colors they usually had. I wanted the fabric to suit the person. In order to reconfirm what I did was right; I got the license of “color coordinator”.
Q: I see, but, the combination of colors is not so easy. Sometimes, it can be really nice or sometimes not? There are ways of producing colors.
That’s right. But I believe that you do not choose the one that you dislike. In other words, the people who do not like the color black, do not choose the black color. People whose taste dislike red, don’t choose red. It is the same when you choose the color of fabrics. After all, your favorite things appear naturally even in the life of your house! But it is also possible to add different colors and different material such as leather, lace, etc. It’s surprising that you can finish it to your liking by adding your favorite color combinations and materials. I think that kind of thing is quite interesting.
Q. Through various processes, your product will be completed. Which process do you enjoy the most with your time, and with having fun?
Well, it would be the moment of surprise, the unpredictable, that I enjoy the most.
For example, if I mistakenly chose the wrong color or cut the line which should not be cut or sew the line that should not be sewn.
Then, this accident of creating will turn out in different way… From an adventurous spirit rather than a preference. Sometimes it fails, but on the contrary, it sometimes leads to discovery. An accident, which turned out to be a plus! It became better in design unpredictably. I think that the continuation of such discoveries is interesting.
-I understand. Yes, that is a good accident to
It says, “Failure teaches success”. The handcraft is continuous action of that.
Q. You have more than 54,000 Instagram followers (as of July 2020), and you were selected the most popular blogger in SNS (No. 1 in the Blog Ranking). How did you start that activity?
It was the spring in 2005 when I started the blog. It was the time my second child entered into kindergarten and I had some free time.
Before, I created my website. Therefore, it was quite natural to start the blog like my diary.
I think I originally liked writing and showing it to others. In the beginning, there were only 5 people reading my blog.
I made the bags and cushions…Then, I kept a stash of fabrics for a long time.I tried to write everyday and also started to make projects with fabrics.
When I went to the library, I found the book of SHIHO KIKUCHI. That gave me quite an impact and the book revived my passions for handcraft. At that time… I was 32 years old.
In the book, there were a lot of designs to make things by sewing lots of pieces of fabrics. That was what I really wanted.
It consisted of various fresh ideas, where I could combine knit parts to make one coaster, or drawstring bag, etc. When I saw it, I was quite influenced because I did not expect the creative idea to combine fabrics and knits.
Starting from that, the idea of introducing one work on a blog every day was the motivation for SNS.
I was able to create one coaster and introduce it to my blog. So I started with the idea of having people see it!
Q. I believe you have many tools to make your products. Do you have any favorite ones?
Yes, I love the sewing machine. And of course, I love SEWLINE products a lot!
-Thank you so much.
It was great when the “PINK” SEWLINE series came out! ( SEWLINE PINK COLORS )launched. I was really excited. I use SEWLINE products everyday… The Pink color inspired my feelings to be creative. The power of color is there. I like the natural color and monotone color, too. But, that pink color is exquisite for me. It is the best product. That color is the best – That’s why I like it! (smiling)
-Thank you so much. We will bring more new exciting products in the very near future!
Yes, please make new things with that pink color! We love pink and would like to collect all SEWLINE products with those color tones. Girls love pink (smiling) no matter what age they are!
I would like you to produce a Pink Ruler with the SEWLINE Butterfly Logo. I would like that very much. It would be super!
-Yes, we will try to do our best to make it…
Please try.
Q. Would you please tell us about your future activities and projects?
I would like to see more people like me on social media! My followers are increasing because of the Instagram / blog to show how to make a face mask. With that activity, people are started to sew and make something. I really want everyone to continue to create something.
As I experienced in my 30’s, I hope that many people want to be creative and want to continue the hand craft activities. I want to encourage & increase the people who want to continue creating something they made with their own hands.
Also, through SNS, people who are interested in creativity can connect with each other.
I want to be a linking bridge to connect the all creative people worldwide. That is my current project goal.
-Your Instagram shows the photos and images even though people do not understand Japanese, they can look and understand it easily.
That’s Right! That’s one of my goals, but it is my dream to go abroad and hold workshops next!
I found that people around the world looked at my blog to understand how to make the mask and the number of people outside of Japan is increasing.
I hope that I can meet all the people who made my mask with my instructions in the near future.
To do that, I need to study English (smiling) because I want to be able to speak directly with everyone! That is my goal!