The Guest of January 2021: Ms. Kasumi Miwa

*2020/2/02 Canson社のHPにて作品が紹介される
*2019/11/13-18 CATScats展@銀座に参加
*2019/8 ペットの似顔絵イベント開催 場所:ペットグッズショップ Princess Minimo
*2018/6 色鉛筆ワークショップ「ペットを描こう」開催 場所:銀座伊藤屋
*2018/4 色鉛筆で猫を描くワークショップ開催 場所:セントラル画材
The Guest of January 2021: Ms. Kasumi Miwa
Genre: Pet portrait artist with color pencils
Profile: From 2018, Ms. Miwa started to work as pet corporate artist. Her works are getting popular with her detailed depiction.
In addition, she arranged many workshops and participated some art galleries and widely active in introducing her experiences with color pencils.
The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : 柴田 かおる (Kaoru K. Shibata)
まず色鉛筆で絵を描くようになったのは、家にそれしか画材がなかったからなんですけど(笑)家にあったのが、鉛筆か中学生くらいのときに買った色鉛筆か、そんな感じしかなかったので…。手元にあるカラーを楽しめる画材が色鉛筆しかなかったので、何となく色鉛筆を使い始めました。 ペットを描こうと思ったのは、私が元々動物を見ることがずっと好きだったのと、あと家に猫がいるのも大きいんですけど。それで猫とか動物とかをちらほら描き始めていったんです。その時に祖母の飼っていた猫を描いて、それを見せたらすごく喜ばれたので、やっぱ描いた作品を喜んでくれる方がいるっていうのがすごくモチベーションになるなぁって感じたのが大きかったですね。―(専門の)学校などでも描いていらした?
いや!専門の学校には行っていないので…。本当に趣味で描いていただけです。 少し美術予備校みたいなところの、社会人がデッサンちょっと学べるところにちょこちょこ勉強には行ってたんですけど、そこで基礎の描き方とかは教わったんですけどね~。あとは…ずっと家で描いてました(笑)―中々難しそうに見えますけども…。
ワンちゃんや猫ちゃんって、人と生活しているので、やっぱり野生の子とは違う生活をしているんですよね。だから人間らしさみたいなものが結構あったりして…。それは飼い主さんとの生活の中で生まれてるものだと思うんですけど、なのでワンちゃんとか猫ちゃんが持っている可愛らしいポイントとか、性格とか、あとは飼い主さんから伺う思い出とかストーリーとか…。そういうところを描くことが、野生動物ではなくて“ペット”を描いているってことかなと思うので。なんというか…、人間っぽいというか。あとは飼い主さんがうちの子だなあと思ってくれるように…、なんていうのかな。個性ですね!モデルの子が持つ性格とか、生活背景とか、そういういろんな個性を出せるようにこだわってはいるんですけど。 だからなんというか、「犬」って一括りにできないんですよね。犬の中にもいろんな子がいるので、犬によるというか(笑)やっぱりどういう人と暮らしてるかとかでその子の雰囲気とかが構成されてるのかなと思うので…。―その場にその子がいる状態で描いてますか?それともお写真とかが多いですか?
やっぱり色鉛筆っていうのは、ちょっと始めてみようかなって人にぴったりだと思うので、リビングでテレビ見ながら何となく描いたりできるような画材ですし…。そういった意味ですごく肩肘張らずに始めることができる画材なので。最初は少ない色数でもいいと思うんですけど、最初は自分の好きな色を数本買ってみて、それで自分の好きな物をなんとなく描いてみてってとこからでもいいと思います。描いてみたい!と思ったら、とりあえず何かを描いてみるといいかなと思うんですよね。 私自身もそうなんですけど、このモチーフは描けなさそうとか色々気にしちゃって逆に描けないことがあるんですけど、描いてみないと描けるようにはならないので…。描いた結果のものを気にするよりは、描いてるときを楽しもうと思って。うまく描けなくてもいいや、誰に見せるでもないし、みたいな感じで、描いてるときに色を楽しんだり、モチーフのことを考えて少し癒されたりとか、そういうことをして少し気分が明るくなるというか。―描く行為を楽しむような?
そうですね。なんというか、編み物とかも似ている気がして…、出来上がったものというより編んでいる時間が癒されるからみんなやるんだと思うんですよ。同じような感覚で、絵も気軽に取り組んでもらえればなって思います。 意外とみなさん手を動かしてみると、何か描けて嬉しくなったりするので!それが大事かなって。ステイホームで何か気分転換がしたいっていう人は多いと思うんですけどね~。やっぱりお絵かきとかでも、結構気分転換できるよってことを体験してもらいたいかなって思いますかねー!―猫ちゃんやワンちゃんのブームとかでもあるので、お家で飼っている方も多いんじゃないかなと思いますよね。
そうなんです!時々ワークショップなんかをしていた時もお客様が、自分のお家の猫ちゃんを描いてみて「うちの猫はこんな柄だったんだなあ」って発見されてたりしたので。そうやって一度描いたりしてみると、モデルの子に対して見方が変わってきたりとかもするんですよね。耳の中どうなってるのかな~とか、ヒゲはどこから生えてるのかな~とか(笑)そういうところを以前より増して見るようになったりとか、そういった体験も面白いかなあと思いますね! やっぱり動物って本当に美しい存在だなと思うので…、猫ちゃんワンちゃんどこを見ても美しいなあと思うんですよね。そういうのを飼い主さんたちにも楽しんでもらえたらいいんですけど…。Q.作品を描く上で何かこだわりのもの(道具)とかはありますか?
基本色鉛筆しか使ってないので…、あ、でも極細消しゴムとか使ってます!MONO zero(トンボ鉛筆)ですね~。これでヒゲとか、細かいところを調整したりするのに使います。―油性色鉛筆も消えますか?
色によって消える消えないがあります! あとはこの辺のものをこだわりのものとして…(カリスマカラー927 light peach、997 beige、1023 cloud blue、1026 grayed lavender)あとは特にカリスマの白ですね。―パステル調の色が多いですね。どういった所に使っているんでしょう?
このパステル系の色で最初に描き始めるようにしています。私は絵の中に鉛筆が残るのが気になるので、最初からパステル系の色鉛筆で下描きをします。 この辺の色はどんどん色を重ねていくと溶け込んでいって消えていくので、下描きにちょうどいいっていうのと、消しゴムでも消えやすい色なので…。それと薄いグレーとかを使って、フレンチグレーの20とか。―ピンク系よりも肌色というか、薄い色ですよね。
そうですね、あとは水色とかパープルとかもあります。 やっぱり白の入っているパステル系の色は消しゴムで消えやすいので、最初にこの辺の色で下描きをして、この色がベースにあると上から濃い色を塗っても消えやすくなるので。そういう意味でも使ってますね。猫ちゃんの目元とか…、また後で消すかもしれないな~みたいなところには、結構白を敷いてたりとか。そういうこともしてますかね。本当にこの白が強くて! ちょっと話が脱線してしまうんですが、最近色紙に描いたりしてるんですけど、そういう時にも白で描いています。カリスマの白はすごく色が乗るので…。 キャンドルとかすごく楽しいですね!すぐ描けるし、オススメだったりします。パステル系の色はこういう色のついた紙に描くときにも楽しいかな~って思いますね!Q.今後はどのようなことにチャレンジしていきたいですか?
チャレンジしていきたいっていうことでは、色々なモチーフを描いていこうかなとは思ってますね。主軸はやっぱりペットポートレートなんですけど、もっとワンちゃん猫ちゃんの生活を表現できるように色んなものを描けるようになりたいなと思っていて、練習しています。 あとは…これはもうずっとなんですけど、アナログの作品の魅力みたいなのを追求していきたいなと思っています。 私の作品を購入してくれた方が「写真より目が合う」とか「存在感がある」とか言っていただけることがあって、たぶんそれは何かアナログが持つ不思議な何かだと思うので。そういうところをもっと伸ばしていけたらいいなと思っていますね。―面白いですね、写真より目が合う…。
そうですね、お部屋に飾って頂くっていうのはいつも意識しているんですけど、その時にお部屋の邪魔にならないような、何かプラスになるようなそういう存在になれたらいいなって思います。Q.You are introduced as a Pet Portrait Artist in your web profile. When we looked your drawings, the cats and dogs seem very real. What made you decide to draw pictures of pets with colored pencils? How did you become a pet portrait artist?
Well, I started drawing with colored pencils because that was the only drawing material I had at home. (Laughs). I bought them when I was junior high school… To enjoy the colors, the only coloring materials I had on hand were colored pencils. Naturally, I just started using them. I wanted to draw a pet because I’ve always liked to see animals and I also have a cat at home. I really like to look at animals in nature. That’s why I started drawing cats and animals here and there. At that time, I drew a cat that my grandmother had and she was very please when I showed it to her. So I felt that it would be very motivating to have someone who would be pleased with the work I drew. It was my original motive to draw because people were so happy with my drawing.Did you learn to draw at an art school?
No. I did not go to art school. I really just drew as a hobby. I used to go to study a little bit at an art prep school where working adults could learn a little about drawing. I went to a kind of school where the adults could learn how to sketch. There I learned the basics and after that, I just drew at home all the time! (Laughs).But, your work looks very difficult to draw and requires technique.
Yes, it was really difficult to draw the living creatures… It was particularly difficult at the beginning. But, I was encouraged a lot to complete my work since the pet owners are delighted when they receive the drawing of their pets. It is still the case… When I think that the owner will decorate (display) and hang my work on a wall in their home, you can’t compromise. I should do my best to draw with all my energy.When I look at your works, the eyes of the pets tell us a lot. Is he or she naughty, a tomcat? We can easily find their character in your drawings. Are you thinking deeply about the personality of the pet when you draw?
Exactly! Especially because cats do not laugh. Sometimes it looks like a dog is laughing, but cats basically have a straight face. Cats look serious and do not necessarily express emotions in their face. I draw the cats while thinking about why they look so cute. But, I draw the eyes with much care. Also, I carefully watch the model (cats and dogs) and take great care to make sure my drawing looks like him or her and also whether or not they look cute at first glance!Q. When we look your drawings, it is easy to see that you drew with a lot of affection. You draw a picture that is full of love for cats and dogs. What kind of points do you focus on when making your works?
Well, pets live with the humans. Therefore, they are quite different from wild animals. You may find the humanity in them, which would be born in the relationship with the owners and the families, I think. I try to draw their cute points, their personalities and the memories and stories with their owners… In other words, I draw the humanness of the pets…Then; the owners feel intimacy when they look at my drawing. It’s the individuality of each pet. The character of my model and also their daily life… I am trying to draw these points. Especially, dogs are not the same. Their characters vary. It totally depends upon the relationship with their owners, families and their daily life. Their character consists of such things and creates the atmosphere of their life.When you draw, is the model always in front of you or are you drawing from a photo or picture?
Basically, I receive pictures of the pets (models) and draw them. It is quite a rare case, to meet them actually. Most of the requests (orders) are emails/mail, so I try to get as many pictures as possible, and when I look at those pictures, I draw while expanding my imagination. I blow up their image and start to draw.I see. Your imagination for the model is an outline with lots of information from the owners and photos.
Yeah. Also, if the model is a male or female, young or old… that type of information can have an effect. Ah… also the NAME! When I hear the name of the model, I can easily imagine and understand the relationship between the owners and their pets.Q.During the stay at home period due to Covid19 restrictions, people seem to have more free time at home. They may think – – why don’t we use our time to draw a picture! Would you give us some advice on how to proceed?
I believe that colored pencils are the perfect tool for a beginner, because it is an art material that you can use to draw while sitting in your living room or even watching TV. It is not necessary to have many colors. At first it is okay to buy a few of your favorite colors and then draw something you like – – draw your favorite things. In my case, I thought that I cannot draw a particular motif, because I’m worried I can’t do it. But, we do not know if we cannot draw or sketch until we start to draw… Rather than worrying about the result of the drawing, I want you to enjoy the time of drawing. You don’t have to draw well, you don’t have to show it to anyone, and you can enjoy the colors when you draw, you can heal a little by thinking about the motif, and that kind of thing makes you feel a little bit brighter! Please do not worry. Your drawing is only for yourself not for others. You can be healed when you draw something or any type of creature. You will light up!It is like simply enjoying the process, the action of drawing!
Yes, somehow I feel that it is similar to knitting. I think the actual knitting time can be healing rather than the finished product. You enjoy the process. It is same feeling when you draw. I hope that you will feel free to work on your drawings with that same feeling. Surprisingly, when you move your hands, you will be happy to draw something! Unexpectedly, you will be so glad when you start to move and draw something. That’s so important! I believe there are many people who really want to change their mood during the stay at home requirements. I am sure that for many, drawing will be relaxing/refreshing. I really recommend you draw. It can refresh your mind. After all, do you want to experience that you can actually change your mood by simply drawing?Now, there is a kind of a boom for pets, such a cats and dogs. Many people have them at home for great comfort.
That’s right! That’s why I try to draw cats and dogs at home during this stay at home time!Having looked at your work, the colors of the cats’ eyes are quite various. This is really interesting to us. But, we have to look at your work closely to see it and not miss this detail!
Yes, I have experienced during the work shop, the owner finds new things when they look at my drawing of their cat such as the pattern of the cat’s fur and the shape of the ears, where do the cat’s whiskers grow from? Having found the details, they feel more affection to their pets and they look at their pets more carefully, which was really interesting to me. Animals are really beautiful. At any angle, the cats and dogs are so beautiful and I hope that the owners are happy to look at my drawings of their pets. I hope the pet owners enjoy this!Q.Do you have any particular (tools) – specific items for drawing your work?
Basically, I use colored pencils… Oh, I also use the MONO zero eraser which is very fine. This one is very useful when I draw the small detailed lines such as the cat’s whiskers.Can we erase the lines made by the oil based color pencils?
Yes, it can be erased depending upon the colors. Well, I also use the Karismacolor (Prismacolor in USA) pencil, Light Peach color 927, Beige 997, Cloud Blue 1023, Grayed Lavender 1026 and especially White.You selected many pastel colors, where are you using pastels?
I use those pastel colors to make a rough draft first. Because I do not want to leave the line of a graphite pencil in my drawing, I use those pastel colors from the beginning. Those colors will be blended when I layer other colors on top of one another. Also, those colors can be easily erased with an eraser. Also I use pale gray, such as French Gray 20.Your selected a color tone which is a lighter skin color than pink, isn’t it?
Yes, I also use pale blue and purple. All pastel colors with white are easy to erase and are very useful to make a rough draft. For example, the whitish pastel color; White is useful to draw the eyeholes of cats and the area, which may be erased afterwards. This Karismacolor (Prismacolor in USA) white is very strong and intense. Well, I’m going to add to my story a little by explaining – – Recently I’ve been drawing on colored paper, but even at that time I’m drawing in white. On colored paper, Karismacolor (Prismacolor in USA) white has a lot of color, it is quite easy to draw, and the color is so strong and opaque on the colored paper. Candles are really fun! I can draw it right away and I recommend you to try it. The pastel colors are so enjoyable and fun when drawing on colored paper.Q. What kind of challenges do you want to take in the future?
If I want to take on a challenge, I think I’ll draw various motifs. Of course, my main work is pet portraits. But, I’m practicing because I want to be able to draw various things so that I can express the life of dogs and cats more! I want to draw to express their life in more detail and practice a lot by drawing different things and creatures. After that, this has been around for a long time, but…I believe that it is my mission to pursue the appeal of analog works. Some customers who buy my work may say, “It’s more eye-catching than a photo,” or the customers who request me to draw their pets mentioned that my drawing “has a presence,” when they see the cat’s eyes in my drawings. I believe that this mysterious feeling is something strange and wonderful in analog creations. I would like to develop this even more.It is quite an interesting expression of your work that the customer senses your drawing is much more eye-catching and active than the photo –when they see the eyes of their pet.
I still do not know why? But, I am so glad and happy to appeal to more people with analog creations. I think it would be great if everyone could feel the charm of analog in that way!We understand that very well. It does not feel cold. It has substance!
Yes, it feels warm and vivid. I hope that people can feel it in my drawings. After all, I’m hoping that the work itself will become a warm existence.I assume that your customers decorate (display) their rooms (living rooms) with your drawings of their pets! They want to keep it close and see it as if they are actually with their pets. It’s a feeling of warmth, of being alive.
Yes, I am always consciously aware that my drawing will be hung (to decorate) in their room and I am also careful to match the interior of the room. I would say, to create a cozy ambience with my drawing is a plus!これからもいろいろな分野での第一人者の方、新進気鋭の芸術家の方、ファッション、いろいろな分野の方たちのインタビューを配信させていただきます。
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