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#12ゲスト:シェリ シファルディ モリル
Guest of May 2021: Ms.Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill

Guest of May : Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill

Genre : Graphic design, design of custom modern quilts

Profile :  Graphic designer, quilt pattern publisher, educator 

and creative entrepreneur,  Sheri started her business, 

Whole Circle Studio, in 2015 with the mission to both 

enhance peoples lives through beautiful, meaningful 

design as well as to empower and inspire others to enjoy 

the process of making.

今月のゲスト : シェリ シファルディ モリル

ジャンル : グラフィックデザイン カスタムモダンキルト、パターンデザイン

プロフィール: CT在住グラフィックデザイナーであり、キルトのパターンの出版社

教育者であり、ビジネスとしてWhole Circle Studioを 2015年に設立。 これは何かを作成する工程を楽しめるように人々にひらめきを与え、自身を持たせるだけでなく、美しく、意味のあるデザインを通して人々の生活をより良いものにするというミッションをもっている。



The singer of the theme song : Ms. Carmella Constancio (YouTube)
Interviewer : Ms. Carmella Constancio




シェリは、グラフィックデザイナー、キルトパターンの発行者、受賞歴のあるキルター、教育者であり、そして創造的な起業家です。 彼女のキルトは国際的にも認知されています!




Q: SHERI-キルトを作ることに興味を持ったきっかけを教えてください。

始める前に、今日このコーナーに参加させていただきまして本当にありがとうございます。自分の仕事とプロセスを皆さんと共有できることはとてもうれしく興奮しています。子供の頃からクラフトとデザインは常に私の人生の一部でしたが、キルティングはかなり新しいほうです。できるだけ多くのクラスを受講しました。学校、小学校、高校を経て、大学でグラフィックデザインを専攻し、美術を専攻することにしました。大学卒業後、私は小さなグラフィックデザインスタジオでプロのデザイナーとして働き、インターネットを立ち上げました…そして展示デザイン部門を率いる子供博物館でさえも!そのため、その20年間、アートとクラフトは、私の職業生活だけでなく、私生活と趣味の大きな部分を占めていました。落書きから版画、製本、ジュエリー作りまで、すべて—そして、これまで触れていないのはキルティングや縫製だけだということに気づいたかもしれません。 (笑)その間、キルトに憧れ、キルティングの本も集めました。でも、ミシンの使い方がわからなかったので、その間はキルトを作ろうとはしませんでした。そして、それが私の頭の中の大きな障壁でした。そして、縫い方を学ぶのは難しいと思いました。

ちなみに、私は完全に間違っていました。 (笑)それで、約9年前、私は仕事で特にひどい週を過ごしていました。とてもとても長い週でした…そして金曜日の週末に、私はある決心を家までの長い道のりの間にしたのです。—それは私に今までにしたことのない何かを作る必要があるのだと。それで…棚に置いてあるキルティングの本について考えました。それから私は家に帰って棚の本の1冊を取りました。私は店に行き、最初のキルトを作るのに必要なものをすべて購入しました。私はその週末にとても素晴らしい時間を過ごしました、そして私はプロセスとすべてのステップに本当に恋に落ちました。そして…私はたくさんのキルトを作り続けました。だから、キルトを作った最初の年に、私のグラフィックデザインのバックグラウンドがあることによって気づきがありました。それはレイアウトや色、さらにはキルティングモチーフの練習を適用して、自分のキルトをデザインすることができるということです。

ワオ、それはなんて印象的なことでしょう!(以前の仕事がまさかキルトのデザインにも適用できるなんて!)すばらしいわ。 しかし、あなたの創造性は今、あなたの真の情熱、つまりあなたの精神、そしてあなたの魂に集中しているようですね!

ええ、そうです。そうです! 幸運なことに、これは当初の意図ではありませんでしたが、ビジネスに変えることができました。実際、以前のデザインのすべてを組み合わせたものだと思います。両方 デザインのバックグラウンドだけでなく、私が働いていたビジネスも—そしてそれをすべて1つにまとめました。これは本当に特別だと思います。 そして、それができることを光栄に思いますが、他の人とも共有することもできます!


Q: SHERI-キルトを作成するとき、デザイン要素とアイデアに影響を与えるものは何ですか?



シェリ、それはまるであなたが依頼されていたものなのか、それともあなたがデザインのアイデアの1つを作成したものなのか、それともあなたが気にかけているものを作成したものなのか、まるで旅行などのようです。あなたの素晴らしいトラベルキルト!とても刺激的です!そして、あなたの作品を見ると、何十億ものステッチが見られます! (笑)それで、あなたの仕事はとても複雑で、同時に素敵です!



ええ! それはまた素晴らしい質問です!確かに、誰にとっても本当にストレスの多い時期でした。そして、スタジオにとどまり、好きなことをすることができたことは、間違いなく幸運であり、光栄なことです。私にとっては、手を忙しくしているだけです。それは本当に役に立ちます。そしてそれは私にとって(良い意味での)何かです。




はい。何よりもまず、飛び込んで試してみてください—私のように20年も待たないでください。 (微笑む)時にそのものに圧倒されることもありますが、それを小さなステップに分解するだけで、本当に簡単です。時には何かの初心者として、しかし特にキルティングとして—私たちは何かを始めるのに最適な時期を見つけなければならないと思います-または-作るのに最も美しい完璧なもの…またはそれを作るのに完璧です。そして、本当に完璧なものはありません!これを永遠にやっているキルターにとってさえ。裁縫とキルティングのスキルは練習に伴うものだと思います。それは、1日10分か15分しかないことを意味するかもしれません…そしてそれで大丈夫なんです!それは本当にあなたが魅力的だと思ういくつかの生地をつかむようなものです—そして始めましょう!



Q: SHERI-アーティストとしてのあなたは、私たちの社会でどのような役割を果たしていると思いますか?






それも私たちが同じことに取り組んでいる時間に! それが私の目標です—それは私が取り組んでいることです—それをさらに推し進める方法を考え出すことです。今年から来年にかけて取り組んでいきます。そこで私は、安全に旅行できる時がきても人々のつながりを維持するために、来年も同様のプロジェクトでいくつかの新しいコンセプトに取り組んでいます。世界中のすべての人に同時に会えるとは限らないことを私たちは知っています。ですから、私は現在そのためのコンセプトに取り組んでおり、まもなくデザインする予定です。私はまた、起こっていることに基づいて新しいキルトパターンに常に取り組んでおり、それらは今年後半から2022年に上市されます。また、パンデミックからの脱却—世界中のキルターとオンラインで接続することは私にとっては何か新しいことでありました。



はい!そして、さらに一歩進んだのは—私が行うクラスの多くはZoomを介したものです—ですから、人々は私を見ているだけでなく、お互いに会っています。それで、私はここアメリカにクウェートの学生とオーストラリア人を一緒に迎えることができます。もちろん、それは各地時間が異なりますから、一部の人々は本当に早く起きているか、または本当に遅く起きているという状況です。しかし、キルターがリアルタイムで友達を作り、メールや Instagramソーシャルメディアで連絡を取り合うことは素晴らしい方法です。ですから、その点で—本当に、本当に素晴らしいです!







彼らはあなたが彼らの美しい国を訪問することをとても光栄に思います。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。直接お会いできることを光栄に思います。

シェリーシファルディ モリルさんの詳細については、以下を参照してくだい。

シェリ、本日は我々のインタビューにお付き合いいただき、誠にありがとうございました! そして、私たちは私たちの読者とリスナーがあなたのウェブサイトをみてあなたのキルトだけでなく、あなたのパターン、オンラインワークショップ、アクセサリー、ギフトセット、ノートやカードなどを見ることと思います。

皆さま ご拝聴ありがとうございます–



Hello Everyone!

Westek and Sewline’s Karen Shibata – –
Would like to welcome our very special guest – – Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill.

Sheri specializes in the design of custom modern quilts, patterns, and licensed surface design illustration/products.

Sheri is a graphic designer, quilt pattern publisher, award-winning quilter, educator, and creative entrepreneur. Her quilts have gained international recognition!

Sheri’s mission is to enhance people’s lives through beautiful, meaningful design, as well as, to empower and inspire others to enjoy the process of making.

WE – Welcome Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill – to Our Corner “Les Mains Passionnes”


Q: SHERI – Please share with us, how you began your interest in creating quilts?

Well before we begin, I wanted to thank you so much for having me here today; I’m really excited to be able to share my work and my process. So craft and design has always been a part of my life since I was a child, but I’m fairly new to quilting. I took as many classes as I possibly could  through school, elementary school, high school and then I decided to major in Fine Arts, with a concentration in graphic design in college. So after college, I worked as a professional designer at small graphic design studios and internet start up…and even a children’s museum leading the exhibit design department! So during that whole 20 year period, art and craft remained a big part of not just my professional life, but my personal life and my hobbies. Everything from doodling, to print making, to book binding, jewelry making – – and you may have noticed that the only thing
I haven’t mentioned so far is quilting or sewing. (Smiling) So during that period, I admired quilts and I even collected quilting books. But, I didn’t attempt to make quilts during that period because I didn’t know how to use a sewing machine. And, that was the big barrier in my mind.
And, I convinced myself that it would be too difficult to learn how to sew.

Which – – by the way – – I was totally wrong! (Laughing) So about 9 years ago, I was having a particularly bad week at work. It was a very, very long week…and at the end of the week on Friday, I decided on the really long commute home – – that – – I needed to make something that I’d never made before. So…I thought about those quilting books that were on my shelf. Then I went home and took one of the books of the shelf. I went to the store and I bought everything I needed to make my first quilt. I had such a great time that weekend and I really fell in love with the process and all the steps. And…I just kept making lots and lots of quilts. So it was during that first year of making quilts that I realized with my graphic design background – – that I could apply that practice of layout and color and even quilting motifs and design my own quilts!

Wow Sheri that is such an impressive resume. But, it seems like your creativity is now focused on your true passion – in your spirit – in your soul!

It has, it has! I’m fortunate enough that I was able – – and – – this wasn’t the intention at the beginning, but to turn it into a business – – and really,
I think, combine all the things from my previous design – – both design background, but also businesses I worked in – – and combine it all into one, which I think is really special. And, I honored to be able to do it, but also share with others as well!

What a wonderful passion!

Q: SHERI – When you create your quilts, what inspires your design elements & ideas?

That’s a great question! So back to sort of everything stems from being a graphic designer. So, as a graphic designer,  I’m trained not just to make pretty things, but to think about the concepts or the messages that I want to communicate. So I apply that to my quilt making as well. I think it’s just something inside of me. So after those are defined…the concept or messages…I think about content or what elements – – like color or shapes can help support the concepts and messages as I’m designing.

So the starting points or concepts for quilts comes from a variety of places. Most of the time, there are things that I come across in my everyday life that I think are interesting or just things that interest me in general. Or even current events, which there’s been a lot of those over the last year living in a pandemic – – that quilts have stemmed from.
So sometimes I’m fortunate enough to make a quilt for a client. So they definitely have concepts or messages that they want to convey. But, other times I’m not that fortunate, so sometimes I come up with a faux client or a person that doesn’t necessarily exist and develop a whole back story about why they might want a quilt. And the design really then, just kind of falls into place from that context. So for me, I just really love – I love making beautiful objects, but I find when I start with a concept and a content that the quilts are then more meaningful and cohesive – – and it just feeds into that design.

Sheri, it seems like whether you’re commissioned or whether you’re creating one of your design ideas or something that you care about – – such as travel – – One of the images I hope our readers and listeners check out on your website is your fabulous travel quilt! It’s very inspiring! And, when I look at your work, I see billions of stitches! (Laughing) So your work is very intricate and lovely at the same time!

Thank you!

Q: SHERI – During the Covid stay-at-home restricted period, what did you (as the artist) explore to rejuvenate your joy of quilting?

Yea! That’s another great question! It’s been a really stressful period, for sure, for everyone. And I definitely feel fortunate and privileged that I’ve been able to stay in the studio and do something that I love. For me, just keeping my hands busy – it really, really helps. And that is something.

I feel like in the last year, it almost didn’t matter what I made. It was just sort of the practice of keeping busy – also calmed my mind. But, also, it’s been a great way – – a great time – – to connect with cultures all over the world through technology and share my love of quilting and again – – helping them keep calm – – through that – – has been a really great thing to explore. Then over the last year, I’ve designed and shared a few of my quilt patterns that express specifically around hope and joy. Travel – – that’s been a big theme for me this year. Staying home, but thinking about travel in places I’ve been to. So all through that too, I did a good amount of quilting and sewing too. Just keeping busy I think sometimes in the times of stress is all we really need to do!

Sheri, that’s very inspiring especially during this time of quarantine.
We hope that this year opens up bigger and better things for everyone. Technology is wonderful and it’s awesome you’re able to reach out to quilters globally!

Q:What tips would you give to a beginner who wants to quilt, but has never tried it before?

Yea! I would say first and foremost, just jump in and try things – – don’t wait for 20 years like I did. (Smiling) Sometimes things look overwhelming, but if you just break it down into small steps, it’s really easy. Sometimes as beginners of anything, but also especially quilting – – we think we have to find the perfect time to start something-or-the most beautiful perfect thing to make…Or be perfect at making it. And, there really is no perfect! Even for quilters who’ve been doing this forever. I think sewing and quilting skills just come with practice and it may just mean that you have just 10 or 15 minutes a day…and that’s OK! It’s just really just sort of grabbing some fabric that you find appealing- – and Get Started!

As far as tools and supplies, I definitely have my favorites! And some of those are SEWLINE products of course! But, sometimes as quilters
we think we need a fancy machine or tools to get started…And, it’s fine to just start with what you have or what your comfortable using. You can even quilt if you don’t even have access to a sewing machine or don’t have the space for it. There’s many quilters who do all of their sewing and quilting just by hand with really inexpensive tools like scissors, just plain ol’scissors – – and some sharp needles. So, I just really encourage anyone who has any interest in quilting to just give it a try and just jump right in!

Well certainly your quilts are inspiring and your objects are gorgeous! And I do hope that our readers and listeners take a look at your website and get inspired as well!

Q: SHERI – What role do you believe, you as the artist, has in our society?

That is a HUGE question! It is! I think it might change, it changes regularly. You know – I was thinking a little about this before our interview and for me it goes back to something in the introduction that you said. I think that this is what keeps me grounded. That my main goal as a designer is to really enhance people’s lives through beautiful meaningful design. I think the world definitely all the time needs that! Obviously, it needs much more than that, but if I can just provide a little bit – – that – – I feel like I’m doing my mission. And I also really love to empower and inspire others to enjoy the process of making. I love sewing and quilting, but there’s definitely other skills that I can teach people – – even if it’s beyond quilting and sewing! So, I think as a designer and… that’s my main goal. If I can do that and at least nothing else – – then I’ve done my job!

Sheri, your work inspires and your images give hope – – and globally we need both those things!

Q: SHERI – What are your new goals in 2021 and/or what would your dream work be for the future?

Yea…so…I’ve been thinking a lot about this – – and again, this is another thing that I feel is really, really fluid for me. One of the things that I’m really excited about that kind of wasn’t on my radar at the beginning of 2020 – – much like many other things that kind of came up from the pandemic – – when you mentioned it a little bit, was my travel themed quilt! My around the world quilt! And that really stemmed from being here in the studio, being here in New Haven Connecticut where I live and work and not being to explore much more than that because of the pandemic. I started thinking about places I’ve been to and places I wanted to go to and combining it with again one of my big interests which is architecture.
So, I started designing a travel themed quilt, which I called “Around the World.” And, last year as I was designing it – – other people got interested in it. So, I tried something new for 2021 – It’s (Block-of-the-Month) where the instructions for a different block (which is based on a piece of architecture somewhere in the world) so quilters can make their own travel themed quilt! And, it’s been a lot of fun.

I have hundreds of quilters from all over the world that have been participating so each block they get the block design. The people can jump in at any time and sew at their own pace. And, it’s been really rewarding!
I also do videos each month and sew along with everyone. So that was sort of one of the unexpected things that I was working on in 2020 and we’re working now – and is now launched in 2021. And, I’ve been thinking a lot about that and how quilting and sewing can bring people together – – and connect people all throughout the world
– – while we’re working on the same thing! So that’s a goal – – that’s something I’m working on – – figuring out how I can push that even further. Work in this year moving to next year. So I’m working on some new concepts for a similar project for next year to keep people again connected even if it is safe to travel. We know that we can’t always see everyone around the world at the same time. So I am working on concepts for that now and will be designing soon. I’m also always working on new quilt patterns based on things that going on so that those will launch later this year and into 2022. And again, sort of out of the pandemic – – connecting online with quilters from around the world was something new to me.

I typically travel and teach, but the connecting online has been a lot of fun and so I’m developing a couple of new ideas for some online classes!

Sheri, this is a wonderful concept and certainly online classes are great! I’m sure people love watching you work – – to even emulate you! And, these online classes bring together a shared passion of the creative process to make beautiful thing.

Yea! And one step further that is – – a lot of the classes I do are through Zoom – – so not only are people seeing me, but they’re meeting one another. So, I’ll have students here in the US with a student in Kuwait and someone in Australia. Of course, it’s different times everywhere and some people are getting up really early – or – staying up really late. But, it has been a wonderful way for quilters to also – in real time – make friends that they then …stay in touch with through email or on Instagram social media. So it has been, in that regard – – really, really wonderful!

SHERI, what a global inspiration! I love it!

Q: Sheri would you please give us an update of any future events, classes, new designs, works, or exhibitions that you have scheduled for 2022?

Yea! So thank you for asking! So, I typically release about 4 new patterns a year – – throughout the year. And I have that going on, along with, some special projects. So all of my forthcoming and previous released quilt patterns can be found on my shop on my website (which I’m sure there’ll be a link below) – – but it’s – – And Yea! I started teaching live online classes like I mentioned last year. Before then, I was pretty much just doing in person events and when the pandemic hit and travel wasn’t possible – – I shifted to that. So, I work with quilters all over the world. I also book classes and presentations to Guilds and shops and conferences – now all over the world through Zoom. So, I have a number of those scheduled for this year – – and I’m booking now for late in 2021 and into 2022. And then, I also offer classes to just the general quilting community – – those who might not be associated with a shop or a Guild. And, I’ve been sprinkling those in throughout the year and I announce those in my newsletter that goes out every other Thursday.

If quilters or “sewists” are interested in them, they can sign up for that on my website or follow me on social media – Instagram is a great place! And then this summer, I was really honored – – the exhibit is open now and through to the middle of July 2021. I have one of my quilts as part of the Modern Quilt Guild Retrospective at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. So I don’t know, I don’t think – – I’ll be able to get out there, but if anyone is in Kentucky this summer until the middle of July – – they should definitely check it out. There’s also lots of photos of the exhibit online too!

Sheri – that is absolutely fantastic!


They would be so honored for you to visit their beautiful country. Please let us know if you would visit in the future, as you are so welcome and we would be honored and delighted to meet you in person!



We are very grateful for the time you spent with us today SHERI ! And, we look forward to our readers and listeners checking out your website, not just for your quilts, but for your Patterns, Online Workshops, Accessories, Gift Sets, Note cards and more!

Thank you for joining us – EVERYONE !

Until next time!



We will continue to deliver compelling interviews with the leading creative artists and influencers in various fields such as art, fashion, cooking, etc…
We hope you’ll be looking forward to many more exciting and interesting creative updates soon!
